Are Facial Piercings Work and Job Interview Appropriate?

Are Facial Piercings Work and Job Interview Appropriate?

14.09.2017, 12:12

This is a question that many of us have pondered while preparing for an interview. Should you wear your piercings and hope that your potential employer accepts you as you are, or play it more conservative for the interview?

The answer is that it depends. Whether or not your facial piercings are likely to be acceptable to a hiring manager can vary widely, depending on the industry, the job you’re going for and even partly on geographic location. Not to mention on the personal tastes and pet hates of your interviewer!

If you’re going for a creative role in a hip area of a big city, you’ll probably find everyone’s got a few piercings or tattoos, so you can relax about it. Though it’s always worth showing that you can smarten up, too.

If you’re going for a job in a more traditional company, you may find your interviewer isn’t thrilled by piercings, especially during an interview. If the role is a client-facing one, be aware that you’ll be representing the company, so your appearance may be extremely important to them.

What you should also remember is these are going to be the people you hang out with nearly every single day. Do you want to work with people who are going to judge you unfavourably for what you’re wearing? Reasoning plays a big part here: if they are against the idea of facial piercings and you’re working in an office with no customers or clients to face, then this is likely quite a conservative, (and probably quite dated) place to work.

First impressions count

Maybe the yellow eyeshadow is a little over the top for an interview too…

In the same way that you would wear a suit to an interview but not necessarily for the job, you’re better off reducing the impact of facial piercings for the interview, even if you intend to wear them for the job. Remember that you want your qualifications and professionalism to help you stand out during an interview, not your personal style.

An unobtrusive stud or small, clear plastic ring may well go completely unnoticed, whereas a more obvious nose ring, a larger sleeper stud or a more elaborate piercing might cause an interviewer to think of you as less “presentable” looking.

Hey, we get it – it’s annoying to be judged on appearance, but if you want the best possible chance of landing the job, it’s best to err on the side of caution. Once they realise how amazing you are at the job, perhaps those piercings won’t really bother them anymore.

Are nose rings acceptable in a job interview?

The ideal solution is to switch from a nose ring to a tiny stud, or you can even buy clear nose studs – they’re practically invisible. Once you’ve tested the waters with your new employer, you may be able to switch back to something else.

How about lip piercings?

Again, you are better off switching to a clear lip stud or labret stud which will not distract your employer during an interview.

What about multiple ear piercings in an interview?

Sometimes less is more.

Generally it’s safest to just wear one stud or small ring on each ear. If you’re worried that any of your piercings may close up, you can opt for very small studs, or clear studs, which are likely to go unnoticed.

Starting a new job, and wondering what to do about your piercing?

First of all – congrats! Once you’ve accepted a job offer, you may start wondering if they are going to have a fit when you turn up with your usual facial piercings in place.

It’s best to test the waters gently, perhaps ask the HR manager if there’s a company policy regarding piercings. After you start, as you get a feel for the company dress code and what’s generally accepted there, you will hopefully be able to adapt back to a more personal style.

Our top tips:

  1. Ask their policy first. This shows you understand why it might be an issue and you’re confident and communicative enough to check the rules.
  2. Test the waters. Go conservative for the interview and for the first few days, then bring out the facial metalwork once you’ve asked some colleagues about the policy (or looked at what they’re wearing)
  3. Think about it from the company’s point of view. Some places have very traditional clients and a brand that relies upon a certain look from its staff: it might not be right, it might be frustrating to accept, but sometimes if it’s the company you want to work for, it’s a sacrifice you might have to make.