
the august birthstone edit: peridot
August is upon us and with the new month brings a new birthstone to obsess over. Peridot is the birthstone for the eighth month of the year, a gemstone which...
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the july birthstone edit: ruby
Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, Ruby We couldn’t start the July birthstone edit without a reference to this classic Kaiser Chiefs song. So now you know that the July birthstone is a...
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the june birthstone edit: pearl, alexandrite & ...
If you’re a June baby, you’re arguably the luckiest when it comes to your birthstone as you have three to choose from: pearl, alexandrite & moonstone! Don’t think pearls go...
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the may birthstone edit: emerald
The May birthstone is the Emerald, a stone which is more rare and valuable than most other stones, in fact it is known as one of “The Big Three” alongside...
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the april birthstone edit: diamond & clear
All you April babies, you are lucky aren’t you! Arguably the best birthstone to have, but also the most expensive, the diamond is most commonly used in engagement rings, but...
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the march birthstone edit: aquamarine
March babies are lucky enough to have Aquamarine as their birthstone. In folklore, it was once believed that the alluring stone was the treasure of mermaids, and was used by...
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